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Jokes And Riddles
==>I am an object i have many legs but cannot stand with them what am i?[BROOM]
==>What grows like a plant but is not a plant?[HAIR]
==>I am an object, i am a red soldier i walk through the white mountain what am i?[RED BIRO]
==>I am an object, i always obey my master but when ever he touches me he dies what am i?[ELECTRICITY]
==>I am an object, i beat children in the present of thier parents what am i?[HUNGER]
==>I am an object, i am a flat object that travels up and down what am i?[FOOT]
==>I am an object, i cry before they pick me up what am i?[PHONE]
==>I am an object, inside me there is a swimming pool what am i?[COCONUT]
==>I am an object, i am a serpent without a head or a tail what am i?[ROAD]
==>What is the thing that you have seen but which you will never see again?[YESTERDAY]
Two girls went on a date with two boys, while they were in fast food eating Nepa interrupted supply and one of them shouted oh GOD Nepa has took light, then the other quickly used her hand to cover her mouth and said to her, do you want to disgrace me in public, look at the kind of English that is comoting from your mouth.
On december 24th, a boy was taking a chicken to is aunty for celebration, suddenly the chicken jumped out of the bag and ran into a nearby church and started shouting, i shall not die but live to declare the glory of GOD.